Saturday, December 3, 2011

Journal Entry 9

If I could create my own holiday I would make a day dedicated to music and musicians. I believe music doesn't get enough recognition as is. Music is the ultimate release for every person. Whether they express themselves through music or they listen to the music and find peace through the lyrics and melodies. This holiday would be celebrated around the world with large festivals that consisted of parades, gatherings and group work. The parades would have enormous floats and blimps dedicated to the appreciation of music and it's creators. The floats would have mannequins of artists or large scale models of bands. Music of every genre would be played all day non-stop thoughout the regions of the world. The only places where music wouldn't be heard is where human life isn't present. All people of every race and origin would be required to get together and play something for one another. They could play any instrument or sing to each other in anyway they'd like. They could cover songs, perform original pieces or collaboration pieces. Also at the end of the day people would be given the opportunity to collaborate on certain artwork.

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